Head Contents Head Heaviness of head Du1 Du13 Du15 Du17 Du20 Gb8 Gb10 Gb19 with one-sided headache Sj11 with pain of submandibular region Sj19 Sj22 with pain Spl3 with febrile disease St32 St36 with febrile disease and pain of the forehead Bl5 Bl7 Bl9 and neck Bl10 with pain Bl23 with heat in body Bl59 Bl61 Bl64 with pain and cold feet Bl66 Bl67 Shaking of head Du1 Du4 with open mouth Du18 Gb12 Bl64 Stiffness Du19 with pain of head and neck Liv14 with pain of head and neck Per6 with pain of head and neck Ren24 and nape Tremor Per3 Rigidity Bl12 and neck Face Deviation Du26 and mouth Li4 and mouth Li7 and mouth Bl62 and mouth, eye Contraction of facial muscles St4 Nose Flaring of the nostrils Lu7 Jaw Lockjaw Du11 Du17 Du20 Du26 Du27 Gb3 Gb4 Gb7 Gb20 Li4 Li19 Lu7 Ren23 Ren24 Sj6 Sj17 Sj21 Sj22 Si5 Si16 Spl5 St5 St7 St36 St45 Bl18 Bl60 Bl62 Dislocation jaw Gb2 St7 Difficulty chewing Gb2 Inability to chew Sj20 with swelling and pain of gums Si18 St6 Clenched jaw Gb12 Si18 St6 Grinding of teeth Gb37 Inability to open mouth Kid18 St6 Tension jaw St6 Mouth Deviation Du26 and face Gb1 and eye Gb2 and eye Gb3 and eye Gb4 and eye Gb7 and eye Gb8 and eye Gb12 and eye Gb13 and eye Gb14 and eye Gb20 and eye Li2 and eye Li4 and face Li6 Li7 and face Li10 Li19 Li20 Liv2 Liv3 Lu7 and eye Ren24 and eye Sj17 and eye Si18 and eye St1 and eye St2 and eye St3 St4 St5 St6 and eye St7 and eye St42 and eye St44 and eye Bl6 Bl7 Bl8 Bl62 and face, eye Withering and contraction of muscles around mouth Gb12 Drooling Si1 Lips Stiffness Gb3 Gb17 Tongue Stiffness Du15 with inability to speak Gb11 Gb44 with inability to speak H5 H8 Per9 Si1 Si5 in babies preventing sucking Spl5 with pain St5 with inability to speak Inability to speak Du15 with stiffness of the tongue Gb44 with stiffness of the tongue St5 with stiffness of the tongue Weakness or paralysis Du15 Contraction of the root of the tongue Ren23 Tongue thrusting Du24 H3 H9 Ren12 Si5 Curled tongue Gb44 with dry mouth Si1 Biting of tongue St41 Lack of strength in the root of the tongue Bl15