Leg and knee Contents Legs Weakness Kid9 Ren4 and lumbar region St33 and knee St37 Bl28 and knee Bl40 Bl58 Weakness after illness (debility) Bl30 Flaccidity and weakness Gb10 with inability to walk Gb12 Bl57 Flaccidity Liv6 and emaciation Weakness and paralysis Gb29 Paralysis Kid1 Spl7 Cramping Gb40 with pain Contraction Bl38 and foot with pain Bl39 and foot with pain Contraction of inner aspect legs Kid6 Lack of control of legs St40 Inability of legs to support the body Bl10 Heaviness Bl28 with atrophy Bl57 Bl59 and knee with soreness Thigh Contraction St31 St32 with pain, numbness Heaviness St41 and knee Knee Inability to flex and extend the knee Du3 Gb30 Gb33 St31 Difficulty in flexing and extending the knee Liv7 St33 St34 St35 St40 Bl40 and hip Bl62 Contraction Gb30 and thigh with pain Gb31 with pain Ren7 and lumbar spine Contraction of the sinews around the popliteal fossa Bl40 Immobility Kid10 with drilling pain Heaviness St41 and thigh Bl55 with pain, heat Bl59 and leg with soreness Weakness Liv3 and feet with flaccidity St32 St33 and leg St35 Bl28 and leg Flaccidity Liv3 and feet with weakness Stiffness Bl11 with pain Weakness after illness (debility) Bl30 and leg