Redness and swelling Contents Head Redness and swelling of the corner of the forehead Sj19 Redness and swelling of eyes Gb1 with pain Gb16 with pain Gb19 with pain Gb40 with pain Gb41 with pain Gb44 with pain Liv3 with pain Liv8 with heat and pain Sj5 with pain Si5 with pain Bl60 with pain Redness and swelling of ear Gb2 with pain and purulent discharge Sj5 at root of ear with pain Sj20 Redness and swelling of face Du21 Du22 Du23 Redness and swelling of the skin of the face Gb5 with pain Gb6 Redness and swelling of gums Du28 with pain Upper body Redness and swelling of shoulder Li15 Redness and swelling of elbow and upper arm Sj3 extending into shoulder Redness and swelling of arm Li11 Sj5 Redness and swelling of the exterior aspect of the elbow Si6 Redness and swelling of wrist Sj4 Redness and swelling of the dorsum of the hand Li3 Sj2 Lower body Redness and swelling of leg Bl62 and foot Redness and swelling of lateral aspect of knee joint Gb33 with pain Redness and swelling of foot Bl62 and leg Redness and swelling of the dorsum of foot Gb43 with pain Redness and swelling of ankle Sj5 with pain Redness and swelling of lateral malleolus Bl59 Bl62