Genital, urinary, uterus Contents Genitals Pain of the genitals H8 Kid11 Kid12 Liv2 with itching Liv3 Liv8 Liv12 Ren2 with dryness Ren3 Spl6 Spl9 Bl23 Bl32 radiating from lumbar region Bl36 Bl54 Bl55 Itching of the genitals H8 Kid2 Kid8 Liv2 with pain Liv5 sudden itching Liv10 Lu10 damp itching Swelling of the genitals Bl60 Swelling and pain of the genitals Liv1 Bl28 Bl52 Swelling and itching of the genitals Liv8 Retraction of genitals Liv1 Painful retraction of the genitals Kid11 Sweating of the genitals Kid8 Ren1 Ren7 Bl35 Pain and itching of the genitals Spl10 Bl31 Itching, swelling and pain of the genitals Liv5 Bl34 Itching of the genitals Ren3 with heat sensation Ren5 Ren7 damp itching Spl11 damp itching Bl35 Ulceration of the genitals Bl28 Genital diseases Ren1 Penis Pain of the penis Kid12 Liv2 Liv8 Liv12 Spl6 St29 Pain of the head of penis Liv1 Ren1 Swelling of penis Ren5 giving rise to pain of the lower abdomen and lumbar region Bl28 deficiency swelling Cold sensation of the head of the penis Ren1 Vagina Swelling and pain of the vagina Ren1 St30 Bl28 Pain and swelling of the cervix Ren3 Testicles Pain of testicles St30 St39 that radiates from lumbar region Bl27 that radiates to the lumbar region Bl34 radiating from the lumbar region Swelling of the testicles Liv1 Liv3 Liv12 Ren1 Swelling and pain of the testicles Kid8 Liv5 sudden swelling Liv10 Itching of the scrotum Ren2 with dampness Spl10 with ulcerations Retraction of testicles Du5 Liv3 Ren5 Ren6 Ren7 St29 St30 with pain Unilateral sagging of the testicles Liv3 UIceration of the scrotum Spl10 with itching Eczema of the scrotum Spl11 Contracted testicles Spl6 Urine Difficult urination Du1 Gb25 H8 Kid1 Kid2 Kid4 Kid5 Kid7 Kid8 Kid13 Li6 Li9 and dark Liv3 Liv4 Liv5 Liv8 Liv9 Liv10 Lu7 Per7 Ren1 Ren2 Ren5 Si2 with dark urine Spl6 Spl7 Spl8 Spl9 Spl12 St27 Bl22 Bl23 Bl25 Bl26 Bl27 Bl28 Bl31 Bl32 Bl33 Bl34 Bl36 Bl38 Bl39 Bl40 Bl52 Bl54 Bl67 Retention of urine Du1 Kid8 Kid11 Liv1 painful retention Liv3 Liv4 Liv5 Liv8 Liv9 Liv10 Ren2 due to fetal pressure Ren4 Ren5 Ren7 Ren8 in post-partum women Spl9 Spl11 Spl12 St27 St28 Bl27 Bl28 Bl32 Bl38 Bl39 Bl53 Bl54 Hesitant urination Ren6 Si3 with dark urine Bl48 with dark urine Dribbling urination Kid5 Kid6 in women Ren2 Bl23 Bl52 Bl53 Dribbling and retention of urine Kid4 Dark urine Du1 Du2 Du27 Gb12 Gb25 Kid7 Kid18 Li8 Li9 and difficulty in urinating Per8 Ren3 Ren4 Ren5 Ren6 Ren7 Ren10 Ren12 Ren24 Si2 with difficult urination St37 St39 Bl27 dark yellow Bl28 Bl30 Bl32 Bl40 Bl46 Bl47 Bl48 and hesitant Bl54 Blood in urine Liv1 Lu7 Lu10 Per7 Ren4 Spl1 St44 Bl20 Bl22 Bl23 Bl27 Inability to urinate Kid1 in pregnant women Ren7 St36 with lower abdominal pain and swelling Bl53 Obstructed urination Spl11 Frequent urination Kid6 Liv1 Liv13 with turbid white discharge Lu5 Ren3 Ren4 Bl23 Bl23 with wasting and thirsting disorder Bl26 Involuntary urination (enuresis) Gb34 Gb41 Kid6 Kid11 Liv1 Liv2 Liv3 Liv8 Liv9 Liv10 Lu5 Ren1 Ren2 Ren4 St22 Bl23 Bl26 Bl27 Bl28 Bl32 Bl38 Bl39 Bl40 Nocturnal urination St29 Childhood involuntary urination Ren6 Hot and painful urination Lu7 Burning pain during urination Ren4 Repeated inability to control urination H5 H7 H8 Spl6 Spl9 Spl11 Incontinence Bl56 Painful urinary dysfunction Liv1 Liv2 Liv3 Per5 Per6 Ren4 Ren8 Spl11 Spl12 Bl28 turbid Bl32 Bl33 Bl34 Bl38 Bl39 Bl61 turbid Bl67 Blood painful urinary dysfunction Kid6 Kid7 White and turbid urine Ren6 St25 with pain Bl20 Bl22 Yellow urine St45 Reddish-yellow urine Bl49 Cloudy urine Spl6 Urine containing semen Bl23 Urethral pain Per5 Ren1 Ren3 Sensation of heat in the urethra Ren1 Sexual functions Contraction of the penis Ren2 Seminal emission Du3 Du4 Kid2 Kid7 Kid11 Kid12 Kid14 Li15 due to taxation Liv3 Liv4 Liv8 Lu7 Ren1 Ren2 Ren3 Ren4 Ren6 Sj18 Sj19 Spl6 Spl7 Spl8 Spl9 St27 St29 Bl15 Bl23 Bl27 Bl28 Bl30 Bl31 Bl36 Bl43 Bl54 Bl67 Nocturnal emissions Kid2 Ren3 with dreaming Spl6 with dreaming Bl23 with dreaming Bl30 with dreaming Bl43 with dreaming Bl52 with dreaming Sudden involuntary erection Liv2 Incessant erection Liv5 Impotence Du3 Kid1 Kid2 Kid11 Kid12 Liv8 Lu10 Ren1 Ren2 Ren4 Ren6 Spl6 St29 St30 Bl23 Bl31 Bl35 Bl43 Bl52 Insufficiency of semen Liv3 Seminal emission due to fear and fright Du1 Infertility Gb26 Kid1 Kid2 Ren3 Spl5 Spl6 Bl31 Bl32 Bl33 Premature ejaculation St27 Bl23 Bl52 Excessive sexual activity leading to exhaustion in youths Ren15 Sexual hyperactivity in men Spl6 Disorder due to excessive sexual activity Kid1 Menstruation and discharge Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea) Kid5 Kid6 Kid8 Liv5 Per5 Ren2 Ren6 Spl8 Spl10 St26 St28 Bl24 Bl25 Bl31 Bl32 Bl34 Disorders of menstruation Du3 Gb26 Gb41 Liv9 Per5 Irregular menstruation Du2 Gb26 Gb27 Kid2 Kid4 Kid5 Kid6 Kid8 Kid13 Kid14 Kid15 Liv1 Liv3 Liv5 Liv9 Liv11 Per5 Per6 Ren1 Ren2 Ren3 Ren6 Ren7 Spl4 Spl6 Spl8 Spl10 St25 St27 St29 St30 Bl23 Bl24 Bl31 Bl32 Bl33 Clotted menstrual flow Per5 Early menstruation Liv2 Absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) Du7 Gb26 Gb43 Kid5 Kid6 Kid8 Kid13 Li4 Li11 Liv3 Liv8 Ren1 Ren3 Ren4 Ren7 Spl6 Spl10 St26 St29 St30 Scanty menstruation Bl33 Inhibited menstruation Gb41 Liv2 Delayed menstruation Kid5 Heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia) H5 Kid7 Liv1 Liv2 Ren3 Spl1 Spl6 Bl20 Red and white discharge of mucus from the vagina Du2 Du4 Gb26 Gb27 Kid6 Liv2 Liv5 Ren2 Ren3 Ren4 Ren6 St25 Bl30 Bl31 Bl32 White or yellowish discharge of mucus from the vagina Du3 Kid10 Kid13 Kid14 Per5 Ren5 Ren7 Spl6 Spl8 Spl9 Spl10 Spl12 St29 Bl23 BL27 Bl31 Bl33 Bl35 Bl55 Red discharge of mucus from the vagina Kid12 White discharge of mucus from the vagina Bl31 incessant Green discharge of mucus from the vagina Bl34 leading to vaginal pain White turbidity Du3 Du4 Liv2 Ren4 Bl30 Persistent flow of lochia Kid6 Ren3 Ren5 Ren6 Ren7 Retention of lochia Kid14 Per5 Ren3 Retention of the placenta Ren3 Persistent flow of vaginal discharge after birth Liv6 Uterus Uterine bleeding Gb21 H5 profuse bleeding Kid7 Kid8 Kid10 Kid13 Kid14 Liv1 ceaseless bleeding Liv1 Liv2 incessant bleeding Liv3 incessant bleeding Liv6 Liv14 Ren5 Ren6 Ren7 Spl1 Spl6 Spl10 St30 Bl55 Uterine masses St29 Prolapse of the uterus Du20 Gb26 Gb27 H8 Kid2 Kid5 Kid6 Kid8 Kid11 Kid12 Liv1 Liv3 Liv5 Liv8 Liv12 Ren1 Ren3 Ren6 Spl6 St29 Bl20 Bl31 Malign blood in the uterus Kid18 Kid19 White and turbid uretheral discharge Kid14 Chronic cold of the uterus Kid6 leading to infertility Bl23 Cold in the uterus Kid14 Bl36