Mouth, teeth and lips Contents Lips Stiffness of the lips Gb3 Gb17 Sj21 Swelling of the lips Liv3 Swelling and stiffness of the lips Du27 Pain and swelling of the lips Li20 Dry lips Li3 scorched lips and mouth Li8 with drooling Lu11 with desire to drink Sj1 St39 Cracked lips Liv3 Sj5 St45 Bl22 with bitter taste in mouth Lips do not close Li4 Tightness of lips Li4 Twitching of the lips St5 Abscess of the lip Si18 Redness of the lips Bl15 accompanied by sweating Purple lips Ren24 Numbness of the lips St4 and face Mouth Dry mouth Du12 Li1 Li2 Li3 dry scorched, and mouth Liv13 with agitation and heat Lu5 and tongue Per3 Ren23 Ren24 Sj1 Sj4 with agitation and oppression St19 Bl13 and tongue Bl18 Bl27 Ceaseless bleeding from the mouth Du23 and nose Deviation of the mouth Gb1 and eye Gb2 and eye Gb3 and eye Gb7 and eye Gb8 and eye Gb12 and eye Gb14 and eye Gb20 and eye Li10 Liv2 Sj17 and eye Sj22 Si18 and eye St4 St5 St6 and eye St7 and eye St42 and eye St44 and eye St45 Bl7 Bl8 Inability to open mouth Kid18 Ulceration of the mouth Du27 Li4 Per8 Ren23 Sj5 Si1 Bitter taste in mouth Gb34 Gb38 Liv1 Liv2 Sj1 Bl19 with dry tongue Bl22 with cracked lips Nauseating bitter taste in mouth Gb11 Loss of sense of taste Si4 Tendency to gnaw the cheek Gb41 and tongue Heat in the mouth H9 Kid3 Si1 St42 with pain Phlegm in the mouth that feels like glue Kid3 Drooling with much spittle Kid26 Much spittle Kid18 Ren23 Saliva like white glue Ren19 Excessive production of watery saliva Ren24 Pain of mouth Li7 and teeth St41 Swelling of the cheek Li10 with toothache Erosion of the mouth Per8 and tongue in children Si1 Foul breath Du27 Per7 Per8 Drooling Per5 following windstroke Si1 St4 St39 Bl46 Food and drink leaks out the mouth St4 Teeth Toothache Gb2 Gb4 Gb5 Gb9 Gb10 Gb12 Gb41 H3 with chills and fever Kid3 Li6 Li7 and mouth Li10 with swelling of cheek Li11 Sj2 Sj5 Sj8 Sj12 Sj17 and gums Sj20 Sj21 Sj23 Si3 Si5 in both upper and lower jaw Si8 Si19 St4 St6 St7 St42 St44 St45 Bl63 Toothache of upper jaw Gb3 Gb16 St44 Bl60 Toothache of lower jaw Sj9 Sj17 St5 St7 St44 Bl40 Tooth decay Kid7 Li6 Sj20 Sj21 Si8 St42 Cold teeth Li6 Gums Pain of the gums Du27 Sj2 Sj17 and teeth Swelling of the gums Gb16 Swelling and pain of the gums Gb9 Sj20 with inability to chew St7 of the lower jaw Redness, swelling and pain of the gums Du28 Erosion of the gums Du28 H3 and swelling Bleeding gums Du28 Sj2 Gum disorder St6 Tongue Tongue thrusting Du24 H3 H9 Kid9 Li3 Li7 Li11 Sj10 Si5 Si8 St23 St24 Protrusion of the tongue Kid2 Kid10 with drooling Kid20 Deviation of the tongue Kid20 Stiff tongue Gb11 H8 Per9 Sj1 Si1 St24 Rigid tongue Li4 Stiffness of the tongue with inability to speak Du15 Gb44 Stiffness of the tongue with difficulty speaking Sj5 Swollen tongue H9 Swelling beneath the tongue with difficulty speaking Kid20 Ren23 Flaccid tongue with inability to speak Du16 Lack of strength in the root of the tongue Bl15 Bleeding from the root of the tongue Du17 Gb11 Contraction of the root of the tongue Ren23 Pain at the root of the tongue H9 Per7 Per9 Sj1 Stiffness and pain of the root of the tongue Spl5 Dry tongue Du27 Kid1 Kid4 Kid7 Kid7 and parched mouth Lu5 and mouth Per3 with pain of the lateral costal region Bl13 and mouth Bl19 with bitter taste in mouth Curled tongue Sj1 Si1 Curled tongue with dry mouth Gb44 Curled tongue with inability to speak Kid7 Cracked tongue Li4 Sj1 Cracked and bleeding tongue Per6 Erosion of the tongue Per8 and mouth in children Biting of the tongue St41 Tendency to gnaw the tongue Gb41 and cheek Yellow tongue coating Lu10 Purple-green veins beneath the tongue Ren22