Numbness Contents Numbness - general Gb32 Gb34 Gb37 Liv4 Liv6 Ren22 Numbness of head Liv3 Numbness of face Ren24 Numbness limbs Li9 Sj3 Numbness hands and feet Liv6 Sj5 Si9 Numbness shoulder Sj10 Numbness shoulder and arm Si6 Numbness arm H1 H3 Li9 Sj5 Sj10 Sj14 Si1 St12 Numbness arm H1 H3 Li9 Sj5 Sj10 Sj14 Si1 St12 Numbness upper arm Li11 Sj5 Si12 Numbness upper arm and elbow Bl41 Numbness hand Sj6 Numbness fingers Li1 Si2 Numbness lumbar region to feet Bl32 Numbness of leg Du16 Gb30 Gb31 Kid3 St31 St35 St37 Bl28 Numbness thigh St32 Numbness thigh and knee Gb34 Numbness knee St35 Numbness of knee and lower leg Gb39 Numbness of lower leg Gb33 Numbness of shin St38 Numbness of foot Kid1