Eye Contents Eye Gall bladder Gb1 Gb11 Gb14 Gb15 with redness of eye Gb16 with redness and swelling of eye Gb18 Gb20 with redness of eye Gb37 Gb40 with redness and swelling of eye Gb41 with redness and swelling of eye Gb42 with redness and itching of eye Gb44 with redness and swelling of eye Urinary bladder Bl1 with redness and swelling of eye Bl2 with redness and swelling of eye Bl4 Bl5 with pain of head Bl9 Bl10 with bursting pain Bl15 Bl60 with redness and swelling of eye Bl65 with redness of eye Bl67 Heart H5 H9 San Jiao Sj3 with redness of eye Sj5 with redness and swelling of eye Sj6 with redness and swelling of eye Sj10 Sj11 Sj16 with inability to see Large intestine Li3 acute eye pain Li4 Li5 with redness and swelling of eye Li6 with redness of eye Li8 Li11 with redness of eye Li14 with redness and swelling of eyes Stomach St1 with redness and swelling of eye St2 with redness of eye St5 with inability to close eye St8 bursting pain St43 with swelling of eye St44 Liver Liv2 with redness of eye Liv3 with redness and swelling of eye Liv8 with redness, heat and swelling of eye Du vessel Du17 Du28 with lack of clarity of vision Small intestine Si2-with lacrimation Si3 with redness of eye Kidney Kid6 with redness and originating at inner canthus Kid19 Lung Lu9 Outer canthus eye Gb4 and redness Gb5 Gb6 Gb15 Gb38 Gb41 Gb43 with redness Gb44 Ren15 with one-sided headache Inner canthus eye Du28 with lack of clarity of vision Gb20 with redness Kid6 with redness and pain of eye Kid14 with redness Kid15 with redness Kid16 with redness and pain of eye Kid18 with redness Kid19 Bl67