Leg and knee Contents Lower limb Bl24 Bl25 Bl37 with obstruction and atrophy Bl54 with obstruction and atrophy Bl58 with swelling Leg Du2 with numbness and painful cold obstruction Gb30 and lumbar region Gb40 with cramping Kid1 with swelling Kid3 with numbness Spl6 St34 and knee St40 and knee Bl35 and lumbar region Bl38 and foot with contraction Bl39 and foot with contraction Bl62 and foot with redness and swelling Leg inner aspect Kid8 Kid9 Liv2 Thigh Gb30 and knee with contraction Gb34 and knee with numbness Gb43 and knee Spl3 and knee Spl13 St31 St32 with numbness and contraction St33 and knee St36 and shin Bl37 Bl59 Bl65 Thigh inner Kid10 Liv8 Liv11 and knee Liv12 Spl5 Spl10 Knee Gb30 and thigh with contraction Gb31 with contraction Gb34 with swelling and redness / and thigh with numbness Gb35 and swelling Gb37 Gb39 and lower leg with numbness Gb43 and thigh Kid10 drilling pain with immobility Liv7 with swelling Liv8 Liv11 and inner thigh Lu5 Si3 and lumbar regions Spl3 and thigh Spl9 with swelling St31 with cold painful obstruction St32 with cold St33 and thigh St34 and leg St35 with swelling of knee joint St36 and shin St40 and leg St45 with swelling Bl11 with stiffness Bl23 and lumbar region with soreness Bl31 and back with cold Bl40 extending to the big toe Bl55 with heat and heaviness Knee - lateral Du3 Gb33 with redness and swelling Gb43 with swelling Liv3 and inner knee Knee - medial Liv3 and outer knee Liv4 Liv7 radiating to the patella Knee - patella Liv8 with swelling Knee - posterior Bl60