Pelvis Contents Ilium Gb27 and back, lumbar region Buttock Gb30 Bl28 and lumbar spine, with stiffness BL36 Bl54 Sacrum Du2 Liv9 lumbo-sacral extending to the lower abdomen Bl28 and coccyx with stiffness Bl30 and lumbar spine Bl32 Bl33 and coccyx with cold Bl34 and coccyx Bl36 and coccyx Bl54 and lumbar region with cold Bl60 Coccyx BL28 and sacrum with stiffness Bl30 and lumbar spine Bl33 and sacrum with cold Bl34 and sacrum Bl35 Bl36 and sacrum Bl60 Hip Du2 and lumbar region wtih inability to flex and extend Gb25 Gb29 radiating to the groin Gb30 and leg, pain or sprain Gb32 and back Gb39 Gb40 Gb41 St31 Bl30 and lumbar region Crotch and groin Du3 and lumbar region Gb29 hip pain radiating to the groin