Various pathologies Contents Eye diseases Li2 Sj13 Asthma Kid3 Kid4 Ren17 St9 Mumps Gb2 Li4 Sj5 Sj17 St5 St6 Dementia Kid4 Bl15 Gallstones Liv14 Erysipelas Li11 Bl40 Rhinitis Gb18 Gb20 Bl56 Dysenteric disorder Li11 Wasting and thirsting disorder Kid2 Kid3 Liv14 Ren4 Ren24 with great desire to drink Sj4 St33 Hypertension St9 Hypotension St9 Nasal polyps Lu7 Diseases of the breast Ren5 Ren7 Bl51 Trigeminal neuralgia St4 Gum disorder St6 Alopecia Bl16 Sciatica Gb29 Gb30 Gb31 Gb32 Gb34 Gb39 Gb40 St31 St41 Bl28 Bl32 Bl36 Bl37 Bl53 Bl54 Bl57 Bl58 Bl59 Eczema Bl40 Goitre Du17 Gb9 Gb10 Gb11 Gb20 Gb21 Li11 Li16 Li17 Li18 Liv4 Ren17 Ren22 Sj13 Si16 Si17 St9 St10 St11 Bl7 Bl8 Bl13 Goiter Li14 Li15 Lu1 Scrofula Gb21 Gb22 of axilla Gb23 Gb38 Gb41 H1 Li10 Li11 Li13 Li14 Li15 Li16 Li17 Li18 Per1 of the neck Per5 Sj5 Sj6 Sj10 Sj13 Sj16 Si17 of neck St5 St9 St10 St11 St12 Herpes zoster/shingles Gb40 Spl10 Li11