General information
- This section is strictly limited to anatomy, you might be looking for clinical relevant information which is found under the clinical chapters -- muscles section, click here to go to that page
- The muscle is a part of the hypothenar muscles
- Is a flat slender muscle
- Superficial
- Os pisiforme
- Tendon of flexor karpi ulnaris
- Basis of proximal phalanx, ulnar side
- Dorsal digital expansion
Main function
- Little finger CMC
- Abduction
- Little finger MCP
- Abduction
Secondary function
- Little finger PIP
- Extension
- Little finger DIP
- Extension
Nerve innervation
- Segmental:
- C8-Th1
- Peripheral:
- Ulnar nerve
Arterial supply
- Ulnar artery
- Patient position: Sitting or supine
- Put your fingers on the medial aspect of the hypothenar
- Ask the patient to abduct his little finger while you feel for the contraction
Strength test
- Patient position: Sitting or supine
- Ask the patient to hold the little finger in an abducted position
- Give resistance towards the ulnarside of the little finger in the direction of adduction, so that the patient has to maintain resistance in abduction