General information
- This section is strictly limited to anatomy, you might be looking for clinical relevant information which is found under the clinical chapters -- muscles section, click here to go to that page
- Part of the thighs medial muscle group
- Deep to adductor longus
- Superficial to adductor magnus
- Ramus inferior pubis
- Linea aspera femur, proximal 1/2
Main function
- Hip
- Adduction
- Flexion
- Pelvis
- Anterior tilt
Secondary function
- Pelvis
- Elevation
Nerve innervation
- Segmental
- L2-L3
- Peripheral
- Nervus obturatorius
Arterial supply
- Deep part of the femoral artery
- Obturator artery
- Patient position: Supine
- Adductor brevis may be difficult to seperate from the other adductors of the groin
- Locate and palpate towards the proximal part of the adductor longus tendon
- Palpate just lateral and deep for this tendon until you locate the adductor brevis
- To further outline the tendon, ask the patient to adduct the hip while you palpate
Strength test
- Patient position: Side-lying
- The leg which is being tested is the lower leg
- Ask the patient to keep the body straight
- Grab the patient's upper leg and help him keep it at an abducted postion throughout the test
- Ask the patient to lift the lower leg up from the bench so that the lower hip is adducted
- Meanwhile, hold the patient's lower leg medial on the femur just proximal to the knee-joint to give resistance towards abduction, while the patient is giving force towards adduction
- NB! Make sure that the pelvis is not rotating forwards or that is tipping anteriorly
- Forward rotation will give more pressure towards the lower fibers of the gluteus maximus
- Anterior tilt will lead to the hip flexors compensating for the movement