General information
- This section is strictly limited to anatomy, you might be looking for clinical relevant information which is found under the clinical chapters -- muscles section, click here to go to that page
- Belongs to the lower arms posterior deep muscle group
- Deep
- Posterior ulna
- Middle 1/3
- Interosseous membrana
- Middle 1/3
- Posterior on the distal phalanx of the thumb
Main function
- Thumb CMC
- Extension
- Thumb MCP
- Extension
- Thumb IP
- Extension
Secondary function
- RU-joint
- Supination
- Wrist
- Extension
- Radial deviation
- Thumb CMC
- Lateral rotation
Nerve innervation
- Segmental
- C7-C8
- Peripheral
- Radial nerve
Arterial supply
- Posterior interoesseous artery
- Anterior interosseous artery
- Distal tendon
- Patient position
- Sitting
- Ask the patient to maintain the lower arm in a neutral position between pronation and supination
- Place your fingers laterally on the patient's wrist
- Ask the patient to extend the thumb
- Feel for contractoin of the tendon
- The tendon is positioned medially along the 1.metacarpal
- Patient position
- Muscle belly
- Patient position
- Sitting
- Ask the patient to rest the arm on their lap while the lower arm is held in pronation and the fingers are flexed
- Place your hand around the middle 1/3 of the lower arm's posterior side between the radius and ulna
- Ask the patient to extend and abduct the thumb while you feel for contraction in the muscle
- Patient position
Strength test
- Patient position
- Sitting
- Ask the patient to hold the thumb (IP-joint) in an extended position
- Give resistance towards the dorsal surface of the thumb in a flexion direction, so that the patient generates force towards extension