General information
- This section is strictly limited to anatomy, you might be looking for clinical relevant information which is found under the clinical chapters -- muscles section, click here to go to that page
- A part of the thenar eminence
- Medial part is superficial
- Flexor retinaculum
- Os trapezium
- Os capitatum
- Proximal phalanx of thumb, radial side
Main function
- CMC thumb
- Flexion
- MCP thumb
- Flexion
Secondary function
- CMC thumb
- Abduction
Nerve innervation
- Segmental
- C8-Th1
- Peripheral
- Median nerve
- Ulnar nerve
Arterial supply
- Radial artery
- Patient position
- Sitting or supine
- Place your hand on the medial aspect of the thenar muscles
- Ask the patient to flex the thumb at the CMC joint while you feel for the contraction in the muscle
- Seperate the flexor pollicis brevis and abductor pollicis brevis
Strength test
- Patient position
- Sitting or supine
- Ask the patient to hold the thumb flexed at the MCP-joint without the IP-joint flexing
- Give resistance towards the palmar surface of the proximal phalanx in the direction of extension, so that the patient is giving force towards flexion