General information
- This section is strictly limited to anatomy, you might be looking for clinical relevant information which is found under the clinical chapters -- muscles section, click here to go to that page
- Superficial
- Crista iliaca
- Posterior part
- Sacrum
- Posterolateral aspect
- Os coccyx
- Sacrotuberos ligament
- Fascia over gluteus medius
- Iliotibialband
- Tuberositas glutea femur
Main function
- Hip
- Extension
- Abduction
- Lateral rotation
- Adduction
- Pelvis
- Posterior tilt
Secondary function
- Pelvis
- Contralateral rotation
- Knee
- Extension (via iliotibialband)
Nerve innervation
- Segmental
- L5-S2
- Peripheral
- Inferior gluteal nerve
Arterial supply
- Superior gluteal artery
- Inferior gluteal artery
- Patient position
- Prone
- Place your hand just lateral to sacrum
- Palpate the muscle from it's medial limitation (from sacrum) towards it's lateral limitation (towards the iliotibial band)
- To further distinguish the gluteus maximus, ask the patient to lift the leg into extension of the hip
Strength test
- Patient position
- Prone
- Position the patient so that she/he has the knee flexed to 90° or more
- Fixate the back on the ipsilatearl side which is being tested
- Give resistance towards the posterior and distal part of femur in the direction of flexion so that the patient is giving force towards extension of the hip