General information
- Consists of 3 unipennate muscles that are markedly more weak than the dorsal ones and is positioned palmar on the metacarpal bones
- Deep
- Ulnar surface of 2.metacarpal
- Radial surface of 4.metacarpal
- Radial surface of 5.metacarpal
- Base of proximal phalanx at 2, 4 and 5th finger
- All insertion are attached on the side which is closest to the middle finger
Main function
- Finger 2, 4, 5 MCP
- Adduction
Secondary function
- Finger 2, 4, 5 MCP
- Flexion
- Finger 2, 4, 5 IP
- Extension
Nerve innervation
- Segmental
- C8-Th1
- Peripheral
- Ulnar nerve
Arterial supply
- Radial artery
- Ulnar artery
- Patient position
- Sitting or supine
- Ask your patient to hold a pen or similar object between their index and middle finger
- Ask the patient to squeeze the pen between the fingers while you feel for contraction in the muscle
- The same procedure can also be performed for the other parts of the palmar interossei muscles