General information
- This section is strictly limited to anatomy, you might be looking for clinical relevant information which is found under the clinical chapters -- muscles section, click here to go to that page
- Superficial close the inferior part of iliopsoas
- Os pubis
- From pectus ossis pubis and continues inferiorly, laterally and posteriorly
- Linea pectinea femur
Main function
- Hip
- Adduction
- Flexion
- Pelvis
- Anterior tilt
Secondary function
- Pelvis
- Elevation
Nerve innervation
- Segmental
- L2-L3
- Peripheral
- Femoral nerve
Arterial supply
- Femoral artery
- Deep femoral artery
- Patient position
- Supine
- Eventhough pectineus is superficial, it can still be difficult to distinguish from the other adductors due to it's size
- Place your hand just lateral and proximal to adductor longus
- The tendon of adductor longus is the most prominent and can therefore be a good starting point for palpation of the adductor group
- Ask the patient to adduct the hip, feel for contraction in the muscle
Strength test
- Patient position
- Sidelying with the side being tested turned down towards the bench
- Ask the patient to lie straight while on the side, the lowest point is being tested
- Grab the patient's upper leg and help the patient hold it in an abducted position throughout the test
- Ask the patient to lift the lower leg up and away from the bench so that the lower hip is adducted
- Meanwhile, hold medially on the femur just proximal to the patient's knee joint to give resistance in direction of abduction
- The patient gives force towards adduction
- Note that the pelvis is not rotated or tilted anteriorly
- Rotation will lead to more pressure on the lower fibers of gluteus maximus
- Anterior tilt will lead to compensational activity of the hip flexors