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Peroneus brevis




Fibularis brevis - lateral view
Fibularis brevis - lateral view zoomed
Fibularis brevis - anterolateral view


  • Is mainly deep to the peroneus longus


  • Lateral aspect of fibula
    • Distal 1/2
  • Septum intermusculare
    • Distal 1/2


  • Tuberositas base of 5 metatarsal
    • Lateral side

Main function

  • Ankle
    • Plantarflexion
  • Tarsal joint
    • Eversion

Nerve innervation

  • Segmental
    • L5-S1
  • Peripheral
    • Superficial aspect of peroneal nerve

Arterial supply

  • Fibular artery


  • Patient position
    • Supine or sidelying
  • Note that a large part of the muscle belly is deep to the peroneus longus
  • Place your one hand on the lateral aspect of the patient's leg, just proximal to the ankle
  • Ask the patient to actively plantarflex and evert the foot
    • Look and feel for the contraction of peroneus brevis and longus
  • The tendons are just proximal and posterior to the lateral malleoli
  • Note that the peroneus longus tendon will be more visible and superficial of the two when you are proximal to the lateral malleoli
  • You can follow the peroneus brevis until it's attachment at the 5 metatarsal distally from the lateral malleoli

Strength test

  • Patient position
    • Supine
  • Place the patient leg in a medially rotated position
  • Stabilize the patient's leg by grabing it just proximal to the malleoli
  • Hollow the palm of your hand and hold it under the patient's footsole so that your thumb is covering the lateral limitation of the foot and the patient's footsole is covered by your palm
  • Ask the patient to give force towards plantarflexion and evertion while you give resistance