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Peroneus Longus




Fibularis longus - lateral view
Fibularis longus - anterior view
Fibularis longus - inferior view

General information


  • This section is strictly limited to anatomy, you might be looking for clinical relevant information which is found under the clinical chapters -- muscles section, click here to go to that page
  • Peroneus longus is also called the fibularis longus


  • Superficial
  • The distal tendon that runs underneath the foot is deeply positioned


  • Lateral condyl tibia
  • Caput fibula
  • Lateral aspect fibula
    • Proximal 1/2
  • Septum intermusculare
  • Adjacent deep fascia of septum intermusculare


  • Medial part of os cuneiforme
  • Base of 1 metatarsal
    • Lateral side

Main function

  • Ankle
    • Plantarflexion
  • Tarsal joint
    • Eversion

Nerve innervation

  • Segmental
    • L5, S1
  • Peripheral
    • Superficial part of peroneal nerve

Arterial supply

  • Fibular artery


  • Patient position
    • Supine or sidelying
  • Place your hand laterally on the leg just distal to caput fibula
  • Ask the patient to perform an eversion of the foot while you feel for contraction in the muscle
  • You can follow the muscle distally to the foot
  • If you follow the muscle all the way down to lateral malleoli, then both the peroneus longus and brevis will be visible here just posterior and proximal to the malleoli
    • Of the two, the peroneus longus is the most superficial and posterior

Strength test

  • Patient position
    • Supine
  • Place the patient's leg in a medially rotated position
  • Stabilize the patient's leg by gripping it just proximal to the malleoli
  • Hollow the hand and hold it underneath the patient's footsole so that your thumb is covering the lateral limitation of the foot, and the footsole is covered by your palm
  • Ask the patient to give force towards plantarflexion and eversion while you give resistance