General information
- This section is strictly limited to anatomy, you might be looking for clinical relevant information which is found under the clinical chapters -- muscles section, click here to go to that page
- Superficial
- Lateral condyl tibia
- Lateral surface of tibia
- Proximal 1/2
- Membrana interossea
- Proximal 2/3
- Deep fascia of the leg
- Septum intermusculare laterale
- Os cuneiforme
- Medial and plantar aspect
- Basis 1 metatarsal
Main function
- Ankle
- Dorsiflexion
- Inversion
Nerve innervation
- Segmental
- L4-S1
- Peripheral
- Deep part of fibular nerve
Arterial supply
- Anterior apsect of tibial artery
Palpation of muscle belly
- Patient position
- Supine
- Place your hand just lateral to the tibia
- Ask the patient to perform a dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot
- Feel for contraction of the muscle
Palpation of the tendon
- Patient position
- Supine
- Ask the patient to perform a dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot
- Look and feel for the tendon anteriorly and medially at the ankle
- The tendon is close to the tendon of extensor hallucis longus which is just lateral to the tibialis anterior tendon
- To seperate the two of them, ask the patient to alternate between dorsiflexion and inversion and dorsiflexoin and extension of the big toe
- Another method which can be used, is to flex the big toe under the testing, this will help inactivate the extensor hallucis longus
Strength test
- Patient position
- Sitting
- Position the patient's foot in dorsiflexion and inversion of the ankle, and flexion of the big toe
- Give resistance to the medial aspect of the foot, on the dorsal surface in direction of plantarflexion and eversion
- The patient is giving force towards dorsiflexion and inversion
- Weakness may lead to the muscle going into a positoin of slight eversion, this may be perceived as a form for 'drop foot' and give a tendency to foor pronation
- Note, weakness of the tibialis anterior can be found in connection with pronated foot position, such a weakness is rarely seen in congenital flat foot