General information
- This section is strictly limited to anatomy, you might be looking for clinical relevant information which is found under the clinical chapters -- muscles section, click here to go to that page
- Superficial
- Processus spinosi C7-T12
- Ligamentum nuchae
- Protuberantia externa occipitale
- Clavicula
- Lateral 1/3
- Acromion
- Spina scapula
Main function
- Neck
- Lateral flexion
- Extension
- Contralateral rotation
- Scapula
- Elevation
- Retraction
- Depression
Secondary function
- Scapula
- Upward rotation
- Trunk
- Extension
Nerve innervation
- Segmental
- C2-C4
Arterial supply
- Transverse cervical artery
- Dorsal scapular artery
- Patient position
- Prone
- The trapezius muscle covers a large area while it is superficial in both the neck and back, so the muscle is easy to palpate
- Place your hand on top of the upper part of trapezius
- Ask the patient to abduct the arm while the scapula is pulled backwards (retraction)
- This causes an upper limitation of trapezius which is easily visible
Muscle length test
- Patient position
- Supine
- Support the patient's head, and move the patient's head into lateral flexion
- Stabilize the patient's shoulder by fixating the shoulder girdle during the movement
Strength test upper trapezius
- Patient position
- Seated
- Place the patient's head in a posterolateral extension position while the neck is rotated to the contralateral side
- Have the patient lift the shoulder on the ipsilateral side (same side the head is lateral flexed towards)
- The therapist places a hand on the shoulder which is elevated and pushes in a caudal direction (depression), while the other hand is placed in a posteromedially on the head and giving force in an anterolateral direction
- The patient gives counter resistance to maintain the position
Strength test middle trapezius
- Patient position
- Prone
- The scapula is placed in a adducted and upward rotated position (this places the scapulas lower angle in a lateral rotation)
- Place the patient's arm in 90° abduction and lateral rotation
- Give resistance towards the patient's lower arm in a caudal direction down towards the floor
- The patient gives counter resistance to maintain the position
Strength test lower trapezius
- Patient position
- Prone
- The scapula is positioned in adduction and depression, with lateral rotation of the lower part of the scapula
- The patient's arm is placed in line with the lower fibers of trapezius
- Give pressure towards the patient's lower arm in a caudal postion down towards the floor