- Superficial
- Posterior part of crista iliaca
- Posterolateral part of sacrum
- Os coccyx
- Sacrotuberous ligament
- Thoracolumbar fascia
- Fascia over the gluteus medius
- Iliotibial band
- Tuberositas glutea femoris
Main function
- Hip
- Extension
- Abduction
- Lateral rotation
- Adduction
- Pelvis
- Posterior tilt
Secondary function
- Pelvis
- Contralateral rotation
- Knee
- Extension (via iliotibial band)
Nerve innervation
- Segmental
- L5-S2
- Peripheral
- Inferior gluteal nerve
Arterial supply
- Superior gluteal artery
- Inferior gluteal artery
Referred pain pattern
Muscle type
- Phasic
- Weakens when overactivated
- Unease and pain while sitting for prolonged periods of time
- Problems walking uphill, especially in forward stooped position
- Antalgic gait
- Restricted range of motion of flexion of hip
Muscular attachments
Short version
Detailed version
Alternativ - short version
Alternativ - detailed version
Myofascial lines
Lateral line
- Splenius capitis / sternocleidomastoideus
- External and internal intercostals
- Lateral oblique
- Gluteus maximus
- Tensor fascia latae
- Iliotibial tract/abductors
- Anterior ligament of head of fibula
- Peroneal muscles
Supportive dorsal line
- Latissimus dorsi
- Lumbodorsal fascia
- Sacral fascia
- Gluteus maximus
- Vastus lateralis
- Subpatellar tendon