Rectus capitis posterior major
Rectus capitis posterior minoris
Referred pain pattern
Muscle type
- Postural
- Shortens when overactivated
- Less suboccipital space
- Headache along temporal region towards eye
- Cervicogen headache
Short version
Detailed version
Notes of clinical importance
- People experiencing neck pain have shown a fatty degeneration and atrophy of the rectus capitis posterior major and minor muscles, visualized by MRI
- Atrophy of these muscles reduces the signal of important proprioceptive information which they transmit, which may destabilize postural balance
Myofascial lines
- Epicranial fascia
- Rectus capitis posterior major and minor
- Sacrolumbar fascia/erector spinae
- Sacrotuberous ligament
- Hamstrings
- Gastrocnemius and soleus
- Plantar fascia