Anatomy pictures
Referred pain pattern
Muscle Type
- Postural
- Pain or limping while walking
- Pain in buttocks, upper thigh or knee when sitting
- Sciatica or pseudo-sciatica
- Inability of complete range of motion in extension of knee
- 'Growing pains' in children
- Pelvic distortions and SI-joint dysfunction
- Tendinitis or bursitis at attachment
Short version
Detailed version
Alternative short version
Alternative detailed version
Important functions
- Gives support to the sacroiliac joint by giving a stabilizing influence via the sacrotuberous ligament
Notes of clinical importance
- Releasing or relaxing a tense Hamstrings might put an unstable sacroiliac joint at risk by removing the hamstrings' protective influence (the Hamstrings stabilizes the SIJ joint)
- The 4 major muscles that creates the stability for the SIJ joint is the Erector Spinae, Biceps Femoris, Latissimus dorsi and Gluteus Maximus
Myofascial lines
- Epicranial fascia
- Rectus capitis posterior major and minor
- Sacrolumbar fascia/erector spinae
- Sacrotuberous ligament
- Hamstrings
- Gastrocnemius and soleus
- Plantar fascia
- Distal part is superficial
- The remaining part of the muscle lies deep to the semitendinosus
- Tuberositas ischiadicum
- Proximal and lateral to the biceps femoris and semitendinosus tendons
- Posteromedial part of the medial condyle of the tibia
Main function
- Knee
- Flexion
- Hip
- Extension
- Pelvis
- Posterior tilt
Secondary function
- Knee
- Medial rotation
- Hip
- Medial rotation
Nerve innervation
- Segmental
- L4-S2
- Peripheral
- Nervus sciaticus
- Nervus tibialis
Arterial supply
- Inferior gluteal artery
- Deep part of femoral artery
- Obturator artery
- Popliteal artery