- Superficial
- Processus spinosi C7-Th12
- Ligamentum nuchae
- Protuberantia externa occipitale
- Lateral 1/3 of clavicula
- Acromion
- Spina scapula
Main function
- Neck
- Lateral flexion
- Extension
- Contralateral rotation
- Scapula
- Elevation
- Retraction
- Depression
Secondary function
- Scapula
- Upward rotation
- Trunk
- Extesion
Segmental nerve innervation
- C2-C4
Arterial supply
- Transverse cervikal artery
- Dorsal scapular artery
Referred pain pattern
Muscle Type
- Upper fibres: Postural
- Middle and lower fibers: Phasic (weakens when stressed)
Upper fibers
- Headache over the eye, into eye, or into the temporal area
- Stiff neck
- Pain with light pressure, such as wearing a bra, backpack over shoulders etc.
Middle fibers
- Burning pain between scapula and vertebras
- 'Goosebumps' on lateral surface of upper arm
Possible causes for tension
- Postural asymmetries caused by pelvic tilt or rotation of the trunk
Short version
Detailed version
Important functions
- Works to maintain the head in neutral position if there are structural compensation patterns in other parts of the body. Such as deviations in the pelvis, trunk or feet, which again would cause a lateral tilt of head if not corrected.
- Plays an important role in movement and stabilization of the Scapula for initiating movement of the shoulder-joint
Notes of clinical importance
- Jaw clenching affects the tension of levator scapula, sternocleidomastoideus, trapezius, and splenius capitis. These co-contractions are within 3-10% of maximum voluntary contraction. Study
Myofascial lines
Superficial dorsal arm line
- Trapezius
- Deltoideus
- Lateral intermuscular septum
- Extensor group