Look for either flexion or hyperextension of the knees by observing the patient's knee from the lateral side.
If the knees are flexed, consider the following patterns:
Knee flexors
Hip flexors
- Iliopsoas (Psoas Major, Iliacus)
- Sartorius
- Tensor Fascia Latae
- Rectus Femoris
- Pectineus
- Adductor Longus
- Gracilis
- Adductor Brevis
- Gluteus Medius (anterior fibers)
- Gluteus Minimus (anterior fibers)
Dorsiflexors of ankle
- Tibialis Anterior
- Extensor Digitorum Longus
- Extensor Hallucis Longus
- Peroneus Tertius
Look for either flexion or hyperextension of the knees by observing the patient's knee from the lateral side.
If the knees are hyperextended, consider the following patterns:
Knee extensors:
Hip extensors:
- Gluteus Maximus
- Biceps Femoris
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Adductor Magnus
- Gluteus Medius (posterior fibers)
- Gluteus Minimus (posterior fibers)
Ankle plantarflexors:
- Gastrocnemius
- Soleus
- Peroneus Longus
- Peroneus Brevis
- Tibialis Posterior
- Flexor Digitorum Longus
- Flexor Hallucis Longus
- Plantaris