Pictures of the line
Consists of the following muscles and connective tissues
- Epicranial fascia
- Rectus capitis posterior major and minor
- Sacrolumbar fascia/erector spinae
- Sacrotuberous ligament
- Hamstrings
- Gastrocnemius and soleus
- Plantar fascia
Attaches to the following bones
- Frontal bones, supraorbital ridge
- Occipital ridge
- Sacrum
- Tuberositas ischiadicum
- Femoral condyles
- Calcaneus
- Plantar surface of phalanges of the toes
Function of line
- Posturally, to support the body in a full upright extension position, to prevent ‘fetal’ position
- Except for the hamstrings, the overall activity is extension and hyperextension
Compensation patterns associated with the line
- Ankle dorsiflexion limitation
- Knee hyperextension
- Hamstring shortness
- Posterior pelvic tilt
- Anterior pelvic shift
- Sacral nutation
- Atlanto-occipital limitation in form of upper cervical hyperextension
- Anterior shift or rotation of the occiput on the atlas
Evaluation of integrity of line
Client position
- Seated with both feet on the ground. Upright position with head facing straight forward
Therapist position
- Stand on the lateral side of the patient evaluating the quality of movement during the test
- Ask the patient to slowly lower his/her chin to the chest, while you evaluate the movement vertebrae for vertebrae while the head flexes. Each level should be moving individually before the next level begins it's movement, further attention should be paid to an area if two or more levels move simultaneously.
- In severe cases, look for flexion of hips or the spine moving as a whole