Pictures of the line
Consists of the following muscles and connective tissues
- Splenius capitis and cervicis
- Rhomboideus major and minor
- Serratus anterior
- External oblique, abdominal aponeurosis, linea alba
- Internal oblique
- Tensor fascia latae
- Iliotibial tract
- Tibialis anterior
- Peroneus longus
- Biceps femoris
- Sacrotuerous ligament
- Sacrolumbar fascia
- Erector spinae
Function of line
- Helps maintain balance across all planes
- In imbalance, the SPL participates in creating, compensating for and maintaining twists, rotations, and lateral shifts in the body
- Dysfunction in SPL will easily affect function in other lines such as SBL, SFL, LL, and deep back arm line due to sharing muscles with those lines
- The overall function is to create and mediate spirals and rotations in the body, and to steady the trunk and leg to keep it from folding into rotational collapse