- Inflammation of the bursal cavity which lies superficially to the olecranon with an abnormal increase in the volume of fluid1
- Can be with or without infection, Staphylococcus aureus predominates as the causative bacteria with β-haemolytic strundep also being common
- Proposed reason for infection via a transcutaneous route
- Of the 150 human bursa, the olecranon is the most commonly affected by an inflammatory process2
- Typically affects men between 30-60 years of age3
- 2/3 of cases are nonseptic and occur when repeated trauma or sports injuries lead to bleeding into the bursa or release of inflammatory mediators
- No predisposition to sex or race
- Occurs in both adults and children
- Most common is repeated minor trauma from external pressure4
- Examples such as
- Leaning the elbow on the table
- Falling heavily on bent elbow
- Sports trauma
- As a result of infection
- Can be associated with inflammatory conditions such as:
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Gout
- Can be associated with chronic medical conditions such as:
- Diabetes
- Alcoholism
- Examples such as
Risk factors
- Underlying bone spur is indicative of risk for repetitive recurrence
- If present, surgical excision should be considered
- Patient’s occupation
- Examples such as technicians crawling on hands and knees
- Hobbies
- Medical history
- Medication
- Family history
- Recent trauma
- Recurrent or nonresolving olecranon bursitis is of particular importance
- Raises suspicion of retained foreign/loose body, antimicrobial resistance or wrong diagnosis
- Systemic symptoms should be explored which may indicate infective, or rarely, malignant origin.
- Fever
- Anorexia
- Fatigue
- Weight-loss
- Night-sweats
- Pain at the posterior elbow
- Swelling, redness and tenderness with normal movement of the elbow are common indications
- Although as swelling progresses it can restrict elbow movement
- If sufficiently advanced, there can be a characteristic round or ‘golf ball’ shape at the posterior aspect of the elbow at the location of the olecranon5
- Swelling and redness of the posterior elbow
- Swelling, redness and tenderness with normal movement of the elbow
- Although as swelling progresses it can restrict elbow movement
- Passive flexion – may be slightly painful and feeling of tightness but not necessarily present
- Palpation shows tenderness of the tip of the olecranon
- Can be treated with rest and ice for symptom relief
- Corticosteroid injections can result in early reduction in symptoms, but carries a 10% risk of iatrogenic infection so it should be used with caution6
- If aspiration is used there have been studies showing that 25% of patients will have persistent or recurrent swelling at eight weeks, and up to 10% will continue to have persistent symptoms at 6 months
- The superficial position and limited vascularity puts the olecranon bursa particularly at risk for injury and inflammation
- Underlying fracture must be excluded
- It is problematic to indicate whether an infective cause is present by history and examination alone, aspiration is considered the gold standard