Lower leg and foot Contents [hide] Lower leg Gb37 with inability to stand for long Gb39 and knee with numbness Gb40 Gb41 Kid2 with inability to stand for long Liv3 Liv5 and foot with cold Liv8 and knee with coldness Bl56 painful obstruction Lower leg front Spl6 St34 painful obstruction St36 and knee / and thigh St37 with contraction St38 with numbness and swelling Foot Du2 lumbar pain radiating to foot Gb41 with swelling Kid1 chronic pain with numbness Liv5 and lower leg with cold Sj5 and hand with numbness and cold Bl38 and leg with contraction Bl39 and leg with contraction Bl56 and heel with contraction Bl62 and leg with redness, swelling Ankle Kid3 with swelling Li11 Sj5 with redness, swelling Spl5 St41 with swelling of ankle joint Bl60 Heel Kid3 with swelling Kid4 with swelling Spl4 St39 Bl56 and foot with contraction Bl57 Bl60 Bl61 Sole of foot Lu8 Medial malleolus Liv3 Liv4 with swelling Lateral malleolus Gb38 Bl63 Instep Kid2 with swelling Liv2 with swelling Dorsal aspect of foot Gb41 with swelling Gb42 with swelling, redness Gb43 with swelling, redness St42 with swelling St43 with swelling St44 with swelling Toes Gb41 and contraction Kid1 with inability to stand Sj5 Big toe Bl40 knee pain extending to the big toe